Zinātniskie raksti (ESZF) / Scientific Articles
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Cross-border Entrepreneurial Education, Development and Knowledge and Technology Transfer: Experiences with the Cambridge–Riga Venture Camp Programme—A Reflective Report
(SAGE, 2021)Over a 6-year period, a collaboration has been developed between a group in Cambridge, UK, and two Latvian Universities, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and other organisations, including Riga City Council, supported ... -
Tourism SME sustainability social and economic challenges during pandemic: cases of Russian Federation, Georgia and Latvia
(E3S Web of Conferences, 2021). Until 2020, the tourism industry was characterized by a growth rate, the statistics highlight that globally 2019 was the tenth year with a consecutive annual growth. However, the Covid-19 pandemic marked a major turning ... -
Business models of FinTechs – Difference in similarity?
(Elsevier B.V., 2021-04)The FinTech industry is gradually maturing and offers a wide range of financial services on the global stage. Still, the understanding of FinTech business models remains at its infancy with a shortage of cross-country ... -
Management of Distribution Risks and Digital Transformation of Insurance Distribution - A Regulatory Gap in the IDD
(MDPI, 2021-08-02)The Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) aims to regulate insurance distribution in the EU regardless of distribution channels and means. Although new technologies affect insurance distribution, the IDD does not explicitly ... -
FinTech in Latvia: Status Quo, Current Developments, and Challenges Ahead
(MDPI, 2021-10-14)FinTech has been in the focus of discussion for quite some time. However, the market share of FinTech companies is still relatively small compared to that of more traditional financial services. The purpose of this paper ... -
Digitalization in the regional context: the case of e-government services in Latvia
(Warsaw University, Centre for Europe, 2018-12-15)This article examines problems of the digital trends in economies and societies from two perspectives: the extension of a digital economy to social dimensions, and the role of digital government services in regional cohesion ... -
Digital single market conducive to the promotion of social dialogue and social investment in the regional cohesion context
(University of Latvia, 2017-05-20)This article examines problems of the digital single market from two perspectives: the extension of a digital economy beyond capital, goods and services to other areas of the economy including labour markets, social dialogue ... -
Теоретические подходы к социальному капиталу: перспективы науки управления
(2015)Социальный капитал, как концепция науки управления, возник только в 20-м веке. Использование этого термина стало расти в геометрической прогрессии после публикации Патнемa в 1995 году. Управленческий подход социального ... -
Towards Adult Information Literacy Assessment in Latvia: UNESCO Media and Information Literacy Competency Matrix in Practice
(Springer International Publishing, 2014)The study presents conclusions regarding the possibility of adapting the UNESCO MIL Competency Matrix and developing methodology for information literacy assessment of the adult population. During field research in a ... -
Ethnicity and social cohesion in the post-Soviet Baltic states
(Taylor&Francis, 2013) -
Break Out of Russia: Miķelis Valters and the National Issue in Early Latvian Socialism
(Taylor&Francis, 2012) -
Foreign Policy “On the Cheap”: Latvia’s Foreign Policy Experience from the Economic Crisis
(Taylor&Francis, 2014) -
The curious case of the Latvian Greens
(Taylor&Francis, 2012) -
Innovative competitive advantage determination model
(Latvia University of Agriculture, 2014) -
Quality competitiveness of Latvia’s metal industry in the iron and steel product groups
(Kaunas University of Technology, 2012) -
Quality competitiveness of Latvia’s wood industry
(Kaunas University of Technology, 2011) -
Emigration from Latvia: Recent trends and economic impact
(OECD, 2013)