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dc.contributor.author79th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia
dc.contributor.authorJankevica, Līga
dc.identifier.citation79th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Institute of Biology. Innovative and Applied Research in Biology. Proceedings. Volume 3. Jankevica, L. (comp.). Riga, 2021. 55 p.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe collection contains SCIENTIFIC articles on the topics of the LU 79 conference reports. The main focus is on innovative and applied research in biology and interdisciplinary fields.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThe project “Evaluation of the cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.) genetic resources of Latvia and Belarus as a background for the breeding program and conservation” (2019–2021) (project No. in Latvia LV-BY/2020/4, project No. in Belarus B19LATG004). Project No. 19-00-A01612-000004 “Obtaining of bio-degradable polymers from renewable resources for the production of protective coatings and packaging materials for fruits” is co-financed by the European agricultural fund for rural development (EAFRD) and supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Support Service of the Republic of Latvia. The Landscape area “Augšdaugava” protection and management plan for period 2022–2034 is financed by the project ‘Preconditions for better biodiversity preservation and ecosystem protection in Latvia’, and co-funded by the European Union Cohesion Fund. UL research project “Biological diversity – impacts, functions and protection”, subproject “Biological research of living organisms in urban, rural and aquatic ecosystems”, No ZD2016/AZ81.en_US
dc.publisherThe University of Latvia Pressen_US
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/State Education Development Agency Republic of Latvia/EUREKA Programme/NR: E!11170// Innovative multifunctional biotextile, integrated with silica dioxide and succinite development, and its impact on Biosystems/ IFSITEX/en_US
dc.subjectThe Daugava Riveren_US
dc.subjectTrifolium repensen_US
dc.subjectCypripedium calceolusen_US
dc.subjectGenetic diversityen_US
dc.subjectEcosystem servicesen_US
dc.subjectDrosophila melanogaster reproductive successen_US
dc.subjectIsocitrate dehydrogenase as a candidate locusen_US
dc.subjectBiotextile protection propertiesen_US
dc.subjectImmature gametic cellsen_US
dc.subjectBacterial celluloseen_US
dc.subjectAcetic acid bacteriaen_US
dc.subjectSoil burial testen_US
dc.subjectScanning electron microscopyen_US
dc.subjectProtecting organisms from UV-B radiation and extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fieldsen_US
dc.subjectResearch Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES::Biologyen_US
dc.titleInnovative and Applied Research in Biology: Proceedings, Vol. 3en_US

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