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dc.contributor.authorFernandez Gonzalez, Manuel Joaquin
dc.contributor.authorSurikova, Svetlana
dc.identifier.citationFernández González, M. J., & Surikova, S. (2024). Dataset form survey “Basic education pupils’ beliefs about the development of their moral character” (2022-2024, three measurements in two strata). UL FESP SIPen_US
dc.description.abstractThis dataset was developed within the project “Effectiveness research of an online curriculum for virtue education in Latvian educational institutions (from grades 1 to 12)”, funded by the Latvian Council of Science grant No. lzp-2021/1-0385. This three-year longitudinal study (2022-2024) aimed to capture the dynamics of basic education pupils’ beliefs about the development of their moral character in Latvia. This dataset comprises data from three separate measurements across two strata: Strata 1 (Grade 5-7) and Strata 2 (Grade 7-9). Each measurement is stored in a separate spreadsheet, along with descriptions of the codes used in each measurement. In the 1st measurement (Spring 2022), 1465 pupils from 90 classes participated: 644 pupils from 39 classes in Grade 5 and 821 pupils from 51 classes in Grade 7. In the 2nd measurement (Spring 2023), 1000 pupils from 70 classes participated: 534 pupils from 33 classes in Grade 6 and 466 pupils from 37 classes in Grade 8. In the 3rd measurement (Spring 2024), 760 pupils from 55 classes participated: 338 pupils from 23 classes in Grade 7 and 422 pupils from 32 classes in Grade 9.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipLatvian Council of Scienceen_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāte. Izglītības zinātņu un psiholoģijas fakultāte, Pedagoģijas zinātniskais institūtsen_US
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/LZP/FLPP/lzp-2021/1-0385/LU/Digitālas mācību programmas efektivitātes izpēte jauniešu tikumiskajai audzināšanai Latvijas izglītības iestādēs//en_US
dc.subjectVirtue educationen_US
dc.subjectmoral growthen_US
dc.subjectbasic educationen_US
dc.subjecteffectiveness researchen_US
dc.subjectlongitudinal studyen_US
dc.subjectResearch Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Educationen_US
dc.titleDataset form survey “Basic education pupils’ beliefs about the development of their moral character” (2022-2024, three measurements in two strata)en_US

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