RJA Maģistra darbi / RGSL Master's Thesis: Recent submissions
Anzeige der Dokumente 1-20 von 196
Iran – United States Claims Tribunal: analysis of legal aspects of taking of private assets and its contribution to international law
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2024)It could be argued that the 21st century is the period which is a serious test of the power and capabilities of public international law, especially when it comes to the dispute prevention or dispute settlement once ... -
The influence of social media on stock market trends: exploring implications and legal challenges
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2024)Throughout history, the belief in finance transitioned from a traditional to a behavioural perspective, research regarding the irrational behaviours of the human mind were explored. With the advancement of the internet and ... -
Unpacking sideloading: exploring regulatory frameworks, competition law Implications, and stakeholder dynamics in the mobile app ecosystem
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2024)This thesis investigates sideloading within the context of the operating system duopoly and as an obligation under Article 6(4) of the Digital Markets Act (DMA). Apple and Google exert significant control over app distribution ... -
The New AI Act and its impact on the competitiveness of businesses operating in the European Union
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2024)In a world where technology advances at such a fast pace and is at the forefront in many fields of everyday life, the newest addition is the appearance of Artificial Intelligence (AI). While it may seem exciting and ... -
Peaceful uses of outer space under threat? Evaluating the international legal framework regulating space activities amidst increased militarisation and weaponisation
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2024)Outer space is playing an increasingly important role in modern life, from everyday activities to critical technological advancements. However, there are concerns that it is also becoming progressively more congested, ... -
Amendments of 2022 and 2023 to the Immigration Law of the Republic of Latvia: compatibility with human rights obligations and EU law
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2024)In response to the geopolitical situation, a series of amendments to the Immigration Law of the Republic of Latvia were enacted in the years 2022 and 2023. These changes had a direct impact on around 25 000 long-term ... -
Transboundary water management in Central Asia and its impact on regional security
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2024)Three decades after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the establishment of independent Central Asian states, the legal framework for transboundary water cooperation in the Aral Sea Basin requires review and improvement. ... -
Patent rights in AI-generated data
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2024)As artificial intelligence technologies continue to develop rapidly, it becomes increasingly important to understand technical and legal nature of it and of data generated by it in order to be able to resolve the multifaceted ... -
The effect of COVID-19 on force majeure clause in international commercial contracts: its impact on public procurement in Latvia
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2024)The sudden appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused remarkable disorganization to the global commercial world, dramatically influencing contractual arrangements throughout different sectors internationally. The ... -
Comparative analysis of EMI licencing and authorisation between the Baltic States
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2024)The EU has a framework in place to regulate electronic money services, primarily governed by the Directive 2009/110/EC (Electronic Money Directive, EMD). This directive lays down the legal framework for the issuance of ... -
The compatibility of the 8 September 2022 amendments to the Law on the Latvian Orthodox Church with the freedom of religion enshrined in Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2023)The law “Amendments to the Law of the Latvian Orthodox Church” was adopted on 8 September 2022 by the Parliament of Latvia. The Law, among other things, stipulates that this “law fully establishes the autocephalous status ... -
Ethical implications on artificial intelligence use in lethal autonomous weapon systems
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2023)The importance of lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS) regulation is growing every month, day and second. The whole world needs to be assured that the place we are living now will not repeat the same, damaging events ... -
Some crimes go unpunished: tracing the emergence and evolution of the rule on prohibition of genocide
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2023)This research examines the emergence and evolution of the rule on prohibition of genocide. The concept of genocide has undergone significant transformations in the last century, reflecting shifts in cultural and political ... -
Online hate via social media platforms: challenges under legislation of the European Union
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2023)This thesis seeks to answer the following research question: do social media platforms appropriately balance the fundamental rights of the victims with the right to freedom of expression under laws regulating hate speech ... -
The gender blindness of human rights due diligence in global supply chains
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2023)Since the adoption of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) in 2011 the recognition amongst companies is continuously increasing on how business operations can be related to human rights ... -
Implementing anti-money lаundering regulаtions in the decentralized cryptocurrency industry: challengеs, implicаtions, аnd solutions
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2023)This thеsis exаminеs the effective implementаtion of Anti-Money Lаundering regulаtions in the decentralized аnd global cryptocurrency industry. It addrеssеs the unique challengеs posed by the decentralized nаture of ... -
Contradiction between the blasphemy laws in Islamic nations and the international human rights law
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2023)This thesis explores the contradiction between blasphemy laws and international human rights law. Blasphemy laws, which involve insulting or showing disrespect towards God, have gathered significant controversy due to their ... -
Virtual in-game objects as property and subject of intellectual property rights: comparative research
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2023)The use of virtual objects in digital environments, especially in games, has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. This thesis explores the legal treatment of virtual in-game objects, examining whether they can ... -
The enforceability of non-disclosure and non-compete clauses in the fintech sector within the European Union
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2023)Non-compete agreements, non-disclosure agreements, and other types of restrictive covenants are becoming increasingly popular in many business areas worldwide. Some scholars and professionals argue that restrictive covenants ... -
Implementing universal health coverage: how far can the law take us?
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2023)In light of an increasingly interconnected world, health equity and the universality of health is of growing importance. The thesis examines the legal obligations of states in upholding the universality of healthcare, ...