Auflistung Zinātniskie raksti (ESZF) / Scientific Articles nach Erscheinungsdatum
Anzeige der Dokumente 1-20 von 32
Moral judgment: a comparison of Latvian and US business persons
(Emerald, 2009) -
Informal workers across Europe: Evidence from 30 European countries
(World Bank, 2011) -
Quality competitiveness of Latvia’s wood industry
(Kaunas University of Technology, 2011) -
Subcultural Tastes in Latvia 2002-2010: The Content of Style
(Studies of Transition States and Societies, 2011)By carrying out a quantitative analysis of the musical taste of secondary school pupils, we attempt to understand how their tastes are formed, what their ‘subcultural element’ is and how it has changed over an eight-year ... -
Life expectancy and mortality – achievements and challenges
(AS Eesti Ajalehed, 2012) -
Quality competitiveness of Latvia’s metal industry in the iron and steel product groups
(Kaunas University of Technology, 2012) -
Break Out of Russia: Miķelis Valters and the National Issue in Early Latvian Socialism
(Taylor&Francis, 2012) -
The curious case of the Latvian Greens
(Taylor&Francis, 2012) -
Iekšējā audita veikšanas metodes
(Liepāja: LiePA, 2013) -
Emigration from Latvia: Recent trends and economic impact
(OECD, 2013) -
Joint venture formation influencing factors within the aspect of economic policy implemented in Belarus from EU business prospective
(Centre of Sociological Research, 2013) -
Matching Vocational Training and Labour Market Demands- the Opinion of Public Adminstrations
(University of Pula. Faculty of Economics and Tourism 'Dr. Mijo Mirkovic, 2013) -
Ethnicity and social cohesion in the post-Soviet Baltic states
(Taylor&Francis, 2013) -
Importance of social and sustainability reporting in ensuring transparency and disclosure
(Institute of Society Transformation, 2014) -
Legislative basis for corporate social responsibility reporting
(Institute of Society Transformation, 2014) -
Competence centres and peculiarities of their accounting: case of Latvia
(Institute of Society Transformation, 2014) -
Innovative competitive advantage determination model
(Latvia University of Agriculture, 2014)