ERAF projekti / ERDF projects: Recent submissions
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Zinātniski pētniecisks skatījums uz rakstura audzināšanu: mīti, izaicinājumi un starptautiskās perspektīvas
(Rezekne Academy of technologies, 2018)At present, youngsters’ character and virtue education issues are widely discussed in Latvia and in English-speaking academic environment. Given the existing criticism of these concepts, the research question was: what are ... -
“ARETE-school” gala ziņojums
(Latvijas Universitāte, 2020-10)Šajā ziņojumā ir informācija par pēcdoktorantūras projektu “Izglītības modernizācija Latvijas skolās, īstenojot inovatīvu pētniecībā balstītu programmu par 21. gadsimta kompetencēm un tikumu ētikas attīstību ar virtuālās ... -
“Arete-school” final report
(University of Latvia, 2020-10)This report contains information regarding the postdoctoral project “Modernization of school education in Latvia through an innovative research-based program on 21st century competences and virtue ethics development supported ... -
“ARETE-school” programmas pilotēšanas zinātniskā uzraudzība
(University of Latvia, 2020-10)Pēcdoktorantūras pētījuma programmas “ARETE school” mērķis bija vispārējās izglītības modernizācija Latvijas skolās, galveno uzmanību pievēršot rakstura izglītībai, sniedzot pētniecisku pamatojumu programmas “Arete school” ... -
Scientific monitoring of ‘Arete-school’ programme piloting
(University of Latvia, 2020-10)The aim of the postdoctoral research programme ‘ARETE school’ was the modernization of general education in Latvian schools, with a focus on character education, by providing research-grounded basis for modelling the ‘Arete ... -
Hydrothermal Aging of an Epoxy Resin Filled with Carbon Nanofillers
(MDPI, 2020-05-18)The effects of temperature and moisture on flexural and thermomechanical properties of neat and filled epoxy with both multiwall carbon nanotubes (CNT), carbon nanofibers (CNF), and their hybrid components were investigated. ... -
Latvijas zinātnieku diaspora: sadarbības tīkli un iespējas : pētījuma rezultāti
(Latvijas Universitāte, 2018) -
Rakstura audzināšanas ietvars skolām
(University of Birmingham, Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, 2017)“Rakstura audzināšanas ietvars skolām” izskaidro, kas ir rakstura audzināšana un kāpēc tā ir svarīga. Ietvars aicina visas skolas skaidri norādīt, kā tās sekmē skolēnu rakstura attīstību. Tas ietver ‘Rakstura sastāvdaļas’: ... -
Flexural properties of the epoxy resin filled with single and hybrid carbon nanofillers
(IOP Publishing, 2020-01-07)The aim of this paper was to estimate the effect of moisture and temperature on the flexural properties of the epoxy filled with single and hybrid carbon nanofillers (CNTs and CNFs) and to reveal the most environmentally ... -
Environmental effects on mechanical, thermophysical and electrical properties of epoxy resin filled with carbon nanofillers
(AIP Publishing, 2019-12-12)The aim of this work was to establish the effect of environmental factors (moisture and temperature) on some mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of epoxy-based composites filled with carbon nanofillers: nanotubes ... -
24M Progress Report. Period concerning this report: 01.01.2019-31.12.2019.
(Zenodo, 2019-12-13)During the second year of the project the main purpose was to design and develop smart fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) plate by using the most environmentally stable nanocomposite (NC) configuration. As a result, within the ... -
Dissemination/Communication Report. Period concerning this report: 01.01.2019-31.12.2019.
(Zenodo, 2019-12-03)During the second year of the project implementation different dissemination/communication activities were carried out. The scientific results of the project were presented on two conferences ICSAAM 2019, September 12-15, ... -
Dissemination/Communication Report. Period concerning this report: 01.01.2018-31.12.2018.
(Zenodo, 2018-12-20)During the first year of the project implementation different dissemination/communication activities were carried out. First scientific results were presented on the 18th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM). ... -
12M Progress Report. Period concerning this report: 01.01.2018-31.12.2018.
(Zenodo, 2018-12-30)During the first year of the project the main purpose was to choose, purchase and develop investigated materials: epoxy resin and at least two carbon nanofillers (nanotubes, nanofibres and/or graphene). The most promising ... -
Dissemination/Communication Plan. Period concerning the plan: 01.01.2018-31.12.2020.
(Zenodo, 2018-12-30)The plan concerning different dissemination/communication activities during three years of the project implementation is given. Scientific results are proposed to be disseminated in well-recognized bi-annual international ... -
Cyclic moisture sorption and its effects on the thermomechanical properties of epoxy and epoxy/MWCNT nanocomposite
(MDPI, 2019-08-23)The aim of this work was to reveal the moisture absorption–desorption–resorption characteristics of epoxy and epoxy-based nanocomposites filled with different multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by investigating the ... -
Skolēnu morālā audzināšana Latvijas skolās: vecāku, skolotāju, topošo skolotāju un skolu un izglītības pārvaldes vadītāju viedokļi
(Latvijas Universitātes Pedagoģijas zinātniskais institūts, 2019-03)2018. gadā tika veikts ievērojams pētījums par skolēnu morālo ieradumu veidošanos Latvijas skolās, kurā piedalījās vairāk nekā 2250 respondentu (skolēni, skolotāji, vecāki, topošie skolotāji un skolu vadītāji) no visiem ... -
Cultural and historical research on character and virtue education in Latvia in an international perspective
(2019-01-31)This report summarizes the research work implemented during the second activity “Cultural and historical research of character and virtue education in Latvia in an international perspective” of the project “Modernization ... -
Rakstura un tikumiskās audzināšanas kultūrvēsturiskā izpēte Latvijā un pasaulē
(2019-01-31)Šajā ziņojumā apkopoti pētījumi, kas veikti pēcdoktorantūras projekta “Izglītības modernizācija Latvijas skolās, īstenojot inovatīvu pētniecībā balstītu programmu par 21. gadsimta kompetencēm un tikumu ētikas attīstību ar ... -
Parameters for automated star identification
(Taylor&Francis, 2014)