Pārskati. Pētniecības dati (ESZF) / Reports. Research data: Recent submissions
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Banku sektora transformācija Eiropas Savienībā un Ziemeļeiropā un tās ietekme uz sektora konkurenci Latvijā
(Ekonomistu Apvienība, 2024-06) -
Public survey data of the research study “Ready for change? Sustainable management of common natural resources”: Thematic survey of 2022 No. 2
(2023)The data set (see the description of the data set below) and its accompanying information include sociological survey conducted in April 2022 titled "Natural resource users’ survey of nature protection in forests" as part ... -
Public survey data of the research study “Ready for change? Sustainable management of common natural resources”: Thematic survey of 2022 No. 1
(University of Latvia, 2023)The data set (see the description of the data set below) and its accompanying information include sociological survey conducted in April 2022 titled "Survey of GNP population on the governance of common-pool resources in ... -
Public survey data of the research study “Ready for change? Sustainable management of common natural resources”: Thematic survey of 2021
(2023)The data set (see the description of the data set below) and its accompanying information include sociological survey conducted in March 2021 titled "Citizens' attitudes to biodiversity" as part of the Fundamental and ... -
Public survey data of the research study “Ready for change? Sustainable management of common natural resources”: Thematic survey of May 2020
(2023)The data set (see the description of the data set below) and its accompanying information include sociological survey conducted in May 2020 titled "GNP Resident Survey on the Perception of Organic and Conventional Farming" ... -
Public survey data of the research study “Ready for change? Sustainable management of common natural resources”: survey data from 2020 and 2021
(2023)Public survey data of the research study “Ready for change? Sustainable management of common natural resources”: survey data from 2020 and 2021 The data set (see the description of the data set below) and its accompanying ... -
Public survey data of the study "Innovative and inclusive governance"
(2023)The data set is based on the data of the public survey conducted in March 2023 (03.03.2023-03.15.2023). The survey was conducted to establish the respondents' political attitudes, political participation, incl. participation ... -
SMEs Digital Journey Report : Latvia 2021
(University of Latvia, 2021) -
FinTech Study Latvia 2020
(University of Latvia, 2020)This study provides an overview of the current state and the developments in the Latvian FinTech environment. This is also the first attempt of the research team at the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics of the ... -
Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību 2019/2020: Latvijas eiropeizācija
(LU Sociālo un politisko pētījumu institūts, 2020) -
Latvia. Human Development Report 2017/2018. Creation of Public Good and Safeguarding Common-Pool Resources
(Advanced Social and Political Research Institute of the University of Latvia,, 2018) -
Latvia. Human Development Report 2008/2009. Accountability and Responsibility
(Advanced Social and Political Research Institute (ASPRI) of University of Latvia, 2009) -
Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību 2017/2018: Sabiedriskā labuma radīšana un kolektīvo resursu nosargāšana Latvijā
(LU Sociālo un politisko pētījumu institūts, 2019) -
Latvia. Human Development Report 2015/2016. Mastery of Life and Information Literacy
(Advanced Social and Political Research Institute of the University of Latvia, 2017) -
Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību, 2015/2016: Dzīves meistarība un informācijpratība
(LU Sociālo un politisko pētījumu institūts, 2017) -
Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību, 2010/2011: Nacionālā identitāte, mobilitāte un rīcībspēja
(LU Sociālo un politisko pētījumu institūts, 2011) -
Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību 2012/2013: Ilgtspējīga nācija
(LU Sociālo un politisko pētījumu institūts, 2013) -
Latvia. Human Development Report 2006/2007: Human Capital
(Advanced Social and Political Research Institute, 2007) -
Latvia. Human Development Report 2012/2013: Sustainable Nation
(Advanced Social and Political Research Institute of the University of Latvia, 2007)