Padomju laika sociālās reprezentācijas latviešu pēcpadomju biogrāfiskajā diskursā
Kaprāns, Mārtiņš
Latvijas Universitāte. Sociālo zinātņu fakultāte
Zelče, Vita
Zur LanganzeigeZusammenfassung
Promocijas darba merkis ir demonstret, ka latviešu publiskais biografiskais
diskurss pedejo 20 gadu laika ir ielogojis, atainojis un transformejis priekšstatus par
padomju periodu un ka šo procesu ir iespaidojušas autobiografu kolektivas identitates.
Petijuma konceptualo ietvaru veido socialo reprezentaciju teorija, kuru 60. gadu
sakuma postuleja francu socialpsihologs Seržs Maskovici. Promocijas darba
empiriska dala balstas uz tris datu avotiem: pecpadomju autobiografijas, laikrakstu
publikacijas un intervijas ar pecpadomju autobiografiju izdevejiem. Biografiska
diskursa analize parada, ka lidzas negativajam un pozitivajam padomju perioda
socialajam reprezentacijam svariga loma ir bijusi pragmatiskajai reprezentacijai. Ta,
neignorejot padomju režima pardarijumus, ir izgaismojusi autobiografu individualos
un kolektivos sasniegumus.
Atslegvardi: Socialo reprezentaciju teorija, kolektiva atmina, biografiskais diskurss,
sociala komunikacija, tematiska analize The PhD thesis demonstrates how the Latvian public biographical discourse has
framed and transformed the understanding of Soviet period over the last 20 years and
how these processes were influenced by autobiographers’ collective identities. The
conceptual framework of the study is derived from the social representations theory
that was founded at the beginning of the 1960s by French social psychologist Serge
Moscovici. The empirical part of the thesis is based on three datasets:
autobiographies, newspaper articles, and interviews with publishers of post-Soviet
autobiographies. The analysis of biographical discourse suggests that along with the
positive or negative social representations of Soviet period an important role has been
played by a pragmatic representation. This representation does not ignore humiliating
conditions under the Soviets; however the pragmatic representation highlights
autobiographers’ individual, as well as collective advancements during the Soviet era.
Keywords: social representation theory, collective memory, biographical discourse,
social communication, thematic analysis