“Arete-school” final report
This report contains information regarding the postdoctoral project “Modernization of school education in Latvia through an innovative research-based program on 21st century competences and virtue ethics development supported by a virtual campus (ARETE-school)” (Project contract number: VIAA /1/16/071).
The project was implemented between November 2017 and October 2020, and had a total cost of EUR 133.806
The output indicators of the project were largely reached: a new and sustainable post-doctoral position was created, 9 scientific articles and 3 research reports were published in indexed journals, a new technology, which could be commercialised, has been elaborated (the online platform “Arete research”), and a new ICT enterprise has started collaboration with the research institution (University of Latvia).
The report is structured in 4 sections: Section 1 deals with the description of implementation of the research application, including information about achievement of the objectives, implementation of research activities, involvement of the cooperation partners, main amendments to the research application and sustainability and further usability of the research results. The Section 2 addresses the project scientific quality, regarding in particular the improvement of the postdoctoral researcher’s skills and competences, the clarity and scientific quality of the scientific results of the research application, the description of the online platform ‘Arete research” and the quality and sustainability of the results achieved. In Section 3 the socioeconomic impact of the project is explained, and information is provided about dissemination of the results of the research application and knowledge transfer. Finally, Section 4 provides information about the project implementation quality and the summary budget of the research application. At the end of the report, an appendix with some visual materials regarding the project is also provided.
- Izglītības modernizācija Latvijas skolās, īstenojot inovatīvu pētniecībā balstītu programmu par 21. gadsimta kompetencēm un tikumu ētikas attīstību ar virtuālās telpas atbalstu (ARETE-school) / Modernization of school education in Latvia through an innovative research-based program on 21st century competences and virtue ethics development supported by a virtual campus (ARETE-school) [9]
- Pārskati (PPMF) / Reports [14]