Посмотр Raksti konferenču krājumā un tēzes (ESZF) / Conference Papers and Abstracts по дате публикации
Отображаемые элементы 1-20 из 92
The Contribution of Technological Change on EU’s Exports Performance
(Elsevier, 2013) -
Marketing and logistics cooperation problems in Latvian companies
(Elsevier, 2014) -
Uz risku novērtējumu balstīts iekšējais audits
(LU Ekonomikas un vadības fakultāte, 2014-02-07)Iekšējais audits analizē pastāvošos procesus un ir vērsts uz iestādes nākotnes darbībām, apjomā ietverot iesaistīšanos visos iestādes darbības ciklos. Saskaņā ar Iekšējā audita profesionālās prakses starptautiskiem ... -
Learning Content Development methodology for Mobile Devices
(Elsevier, 2015) -
Iekšējā audita darba izpildes un kvalitātes rādītāji Latvijas valsts pārvaldē
(LU Ekonomikas un vadības fakultāte, 2015-02-13)Iekšējā audita likums nosaka tiesisko regulējumu iekšējā audita sistēmas izveidošanai, darbībai un koordinācijai ministrijā un iestādē, kā arī iekšējo auditoru pienākumus, tiesības un nosacījumus neatkarības un objektivitātes ... -
The Development of Global Internal Audit Methodology Approaches
(Accounting Department Faculty of Management University of Lodz, 2015-10-09)Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, ... -
Межорганизационное сотрудничество и теоретические аспекты анализа элементов сетей сотрудничества
(Новосибирский государственный технический университет, 2015-10-23)Многомерный и сложный характер сотрудничества, даѐт возможность проанализировать сотрудничество с разных точек зрения – со- трудничество возможно как в самой компании, включая отношения между сотрудниками в рамках одного ... -
Концепция сотрудничества и теоретические аспекты терминов сотрудничества
(СибАК, 2015-11-05)Сотрудничество, являясь актуальным исследовательским направлением, связано с определенными трудностями – сам термин используется очень широко, трудно отделить границы понятия сотрудничества от его ... -
Iekšējā audita darbības novērtējums
(2016-02-04)Iekšējais audits (IA) ir neatkarīga, objektīva pārliecības radīšana un konsultēšana, lai palielinātu organizācijas vērtību un pilnveidotu tās darbības (..) (IAI Definīcija, 2008). Pētījuma mērķis noteikt un analizēt IA ... -
Comparative Analysis of the EU Public Sector Internal Audit Methodology and Requirements
(University Latvia, Faculty of Economics and Management, 2016-05-12)Abstract. There is currently no standard or requirement guiding the approaches taken by the European Union (EU) Public Sector internal audit. Therefore, the approaches taken by each country, although having some similarities ... -
Internal Audit and External Audit Cooperation in EU Countries
(Vilnius University, 2017-05-17)There is no common requirement guiding the approaches taken by the European Union (EU) public sector internal audit cooperation with external audit. Relations between these audit systems have developed over time. There are ... -
Internal audit in small local governments in Latvia
(Kaunas University of Technology, 2017-10-06)Research background The role of internal audit is to provide independent assurance that an organisation’s risk management, governance, and internal control processes are operating effectively. Purpose of the article The ... -
Trends and Drivers of Productivity Growth in Latvia
(University of Latvia, 2019)Designing policies to rise in productivity and understanding global challenges affecting the growth is an important current issue. Trends and drivers of productivity growth continue to be a key theme for researchers and ... -
Influence of integrated marketing communication tools upon consumers’ buying decisions in the context of sustainability
(University of Latvia, 2019)A topical business subject of nowadays is the influence of integrated marketing communications (IMC) for sustainability upon various consumer audiences and their buying decisions. From the standpoint of businesses the use ... -
Latest trends in assessing pension reforms
(University of Latvia, 2019)Old age pension provision constantly creates an increasing financial pressure on most of the EU countries, therefore some of European countries are in a further stage or reforming pension system, others already ... -
Bitcoin and stock market indices: analysis of volatility’s clusters during the bitcoin bubble based on the dynamic conditional correlation model
(University of Latvia, 2019)The market of virtual currencies, called cryptocurrency, has grown immensely since 2008 in terms of market capitalisation and the numbers of new currencies. Bitcoin is one of the most famous cryptocurrency with an ... -
Improved innovative product strategy assessment model in market research context
(University of Latvia, 2019)In the innovation economy, companies more often face the need quickly and efficiently evaluate not only their existing product and service portfolios in the context of the industry’s potential, but also evaluate theoretical ... -
Tourism association development tendencies in Latvia
(University of Latvia, 2019)Tourism as one of the leading industries has gained attention from scholars that are researching different influencing factors of tourism destination development. One of the challenges that tourism destinations need to ... -
The role and tendencies of development of the social media in human resources management
(University of Latvia, 2019)Social media as a topicality in human resources management has gained significance during the recent years. The goal of the article is to determine the role and priorities of using social media and to examine the types ... -
A behavioural finance explanation of speculative bubbles: evidence from the bitcoin price development
(University of Latvia, 2019)In 2008 a group of programmers, alias Satoshi Nakamoto, introduced bitcoin. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency or virtual money derived from mathematical cryptography and is conceived as an alternative to government authorised ...