Photoactivation study of 163TB β-decay

Chekhovska, Anastasiia
Chvátil, David
Krasta, Tamara
Krausova, Ivana
Olšanský, Vaclav
Riekstiņa, Daina
Zur LanganzeigeZusammenfassung
The enriched 164Dy and natural dysprosium targets were activated with the bremsstrahlung beam at end-point energies 7.17, 8.11, 9,75, 12.12, 13.75, 16.6, 18.34, 20.36, and 22.82 MeV. The decay γ-spectra measuredwith HPGe detector up to 2.4 MeV energy were used to determine yields of the photoactivation reaction 164Dy(γ,p)163Tb. The γ-spectra following the 164Dy photoactivation reaction with 20.36 MeV photons allowed to develop the level scheme of 163Dy including 37 levels up to 1.44 MeV excitation energy. A number of 163Dy levels and γ-lines were observed in the β-decay of 163Tb for the first time. The proposed level scheme of 163Dy was compared with the results of quasiparticle-plus-rotor interaction model calculations. © 2023 RAD Association. All rights reserved.