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Aramaiskie pētījumi: Gramatiskā sieta nobīde un Tenisona brīvība
(2023-12-11)Aplūkota ideja aplūkot semītu valodā gramatisku nobīdi analoģijā ar Modra Tenisona ornamentu ģenēzes teoriju, ar tajā ieviesto jēdzienu sieta nobīde. Skatījums veikts ChatGPT pielietojuma kontekstā, analizējot biblisko ... -
A Numbers-Based Approach to a Free Particle's Spacetime
(2020)A possibility is proposed to define the proper spacetime of a free nonzerorest- mass m_0 particle based on the connection of its lasting proper time to an open sequence of natural numbers counting de Broglie time periods ... -
Fourier-transform spectroscopy, direct-potential-fit, and electronic structure calculations on the entirely perturbed (4)1Π state of RbCs
(American Physical Society, 2018-12-26)We performed a high-resolution Fourier-transform spectroscopic study of the (4)1Π state of the RbCs molecule by applying two-step (4)1Π ← A1Σ+ ∼ b3Π ← X1Σ+ optical excitation followed by observation of the (4)1Π → X1Σ+ ... -
Skimager for the objective erythema estimation in atopic dogs
(International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), 2020-02-19)In this study, the severity of canine skin erythema was assessed objectively for the first time. Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common canine inflammatory and pruritic skin disease associated with an allergic reaction to ... -
Cyclic moisture sorption and its effects on the thermomechanical properties of epoxy and epoxy/MWCNT nanocomposite
(MDPI, 2019-08-23)The aim of this work was to reveal the moisture absorption–desorption–resorption characteristics of epoxy and epoxy-based nanocomposites filled with different multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by investigating the ... -
Multiple deformed layers in Weichselian lacustrine sediments at Baltmuiža, western Latvia
(GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2019-08) -
New insights on ice dynamics from analysis of terrain of Latvia
(GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 2019-08) -
Photoplethysmography in dogs and cats: a selection of alternative measurement sites for a pet monitor
(IOP Publishing, 2019-01-22)Objective: Photoplethysmography (PPG) is an increasingly popular health and well-being tool for monitoring heart rate and oxygen saturation. Due to the pigmentation and hairiness of dogs and cats, a pulse oximeter is ... -
Poor optical stability of molecular dyes when used as absorbers in water-based tissue-simulating phantoms
(SPIE, 2019-02-27)Biomedical optical systems and models can be easily validated by the use of tissue-simulating phantoms. They can consist of water-based turbid media which often include inks (India ink and molecular dyes) as absorbers. ... -
Biophotonics in veterinary medicine: the first steps toward clinical translation
(SPIE, 2019-02-20)In this paper, we analyzed the current situation and the potential of biophotonics and biomedical optics in veterinary medicine. Promising optical techniques such as optical coherence tomography, pulse oximeter, and ... -
Clinical evaluation of automated capillary refill time estimation in dogs and cats
(SPIE, 2019-02-26)In this study, we clinically evaluated a pulse oximeter-based device for automated capillary refill time (CRT) estimation in dogs and cats. CRT can reveal conditions like shock or anemia in dogs and cats. However, visual ... -
Large-scale glaciotectonically-deformed Pleistocene sediments with deformed layers sandwiched between undeformed layers, Baltmuiža site, Western Latvia
(Lithuanian Geological Survey, Lithuanian Geological Society, 2018) -
Injection structures and load casts in lagoon sediments (Sārnate outcrop, W Latvia)
(Lithuanian Geological Survey, Lithuanian Geological Society, 2018) -
Color constancy in dermatoscopy with smartphone
(SPIE, 2017-12-07)The recent spread of cheap dermatoscopes for smartphones can empower patients to acquire images of skin lesions on their own and send them to dermatologists. Since images are acquired by different smartphone cameras under ... -
Challenges in automated estimation of capillary refill time in dogs
(SPIE, 2018-02-20)Capillary refill time (CRT) is a part of the cardiorespiratory examination in dogs. Changes in CRT can reflect pathological conditions like shock or anemia. Visual CRT estimation has low repeatability; therefore, optical ... -
Izskaidrot un saprast: ko tas nozīmē modeļ-bāzētā izziņas modelī?
(Latvijas Universitātes 76.zinātniskā konference, 2018-02-23)Ko tad nozīmē izprast pasauli? Mans priekšlikums: izmantojam stratēģiju B. Izprast pasauli nozīmē izgudrot efektīvus modeļbūves līdzekļus un iemācīties ar to palīdzību būvēt visus mums vajadzīgos modeļus. Neko vairāk ... -
Towards a General Definition of Modeling
(2010-11-24)What is a model? Surprisingly, in philosophical texts, this question is asked (sometimes), but almost never – answered. Instead of a general answer, usually, some classification of models is considered. The broadest possible ... -
Reālisms bez mistikas: kā saskatīt patiesību modeļu mākonī
(2016-02-05)Ja kāda ideja, paņēmiens utml. izrādās mums reāli noderīgi, ja tie reāli “strādā” utml. tad mēs varam turpināt to izmantot, un varam pat mēģināt pielietot to arī citās situācijās. Tādā veidā dažas no mūsu idejām, paņēmieniem ... -
Explanation and Understanding in a Model-Based Model of Cognition
(2017-11-20)This article is an experiment. Consider a minimalist model of cognition (models, means of model-building and history of their evolution). In this model, explanation could be defined as a means allowing to advance: production ...