Browsing Raksti (HZF) / Articles by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 75
Kā mācīties (senās) valodas
(1988)Author tells about his experience of learning of some ancient languages. Author introduces a notion the road starting paradigm in order to help for a student of ancient language to start to organize his/her study tools ... -
The Learning of Ancient Languages as (super)Human Effort
(Cogprints, 2010)Problems around teaching ancient languages are discussed. It is suggested to assume that learning and teaching of languages require some superhuman effort. Author’s experience of teaching ancient languages and producing ... -
Seno valodu profesors Pauls Žibeiks un viņa metode (1987.-1992.)
(2010-01)Professor Pauls Žibeiks usually is mentioned as professor of Old Testament. In my memories P. Žibeiks takes place of the professor of ancient languages, which he taught in the theological seminary. During the period of ... -
Oral history: migration and local identities
(Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, 2011) -
Patiesības izpratne Latvijas filosofijā 20. gadsimta divdesmitajos un trīsdesmitajos gados: Teodors Celms un Jūlijs Aleksandrs Students
(LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts, 2011)Rakstā aplūkoti Latvijas pirmās neatkarības laika filozofu Teodora Celma un Jūlija Aleksandra Studenta uzskati par jēdzienu "patiesība", šī jēdziena skaidrojumi un patiesības teorijas. -
Kristus Karaļa kalns: jaunās kristīgās simbolikas pieteikums
(LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2012)The research is dedicated to a popular in recent years sculpture complex called the hill of Christ the King. It is situated in the Eastern part of Latvia near the famous pilgrimage place Aglona beginning with 2006. Although ... -
Acoustic and aditory characteristics of the Latvian monophthong system
(Helmut Buske Verlag, 2012) -
Theodore Celms’s Critique of Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology.
(Franciscan University of Steubenville, 2012) -
Identitāte un citādība
(LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts, 2012) -
"Вас я очень ценю..." Письма Петра М. Пильского к Дон_Аминадо
(Fabrizio Serra editore, 2013) -
Stones, Bones, and Hillfort: Radiocarbon Dating of Ķivutkalns Bronze-Working Center
(University of Arizona, 2013) -
Finnicisms in the place-names of Ērģeme parish (Latvia)
(Estonian Academy of Sciences, 2013) -
Is the Phenomenon of Revelation Possible? An Evaluation of Jean-Luc Marion’s Response
(LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts, 2013) -
Being Moral and Loving Oneself: Kant on Morality, Self-Love and Self-Conceit
(LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts, 2013) -
The persistent presence of the dead: recent excavations at the hunter-gatherer cemetery at Zvejnieki
(Antiquity Publications Ltd., 2013) -
Der letzte Talissone: Johannes Bobrowskis Pruzzen zwischen Schrift und "Nachhall"
(Frank&Timme, 2014) -
Happy Birthday, Mr. Ulmanis! Reflections on the construction of an authoritarian regime in Latvia
(Taylor&Francis, 2014)