Browsing B6 – LU institūti un aģentūras / Institutes and agencies of the UL by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 742
Daži pētījumi par telpas ruletēm
(1933-08-14)Darbs kvalificēts kā Kandidāta darbs, Konkursa darbs, iesniegts LŪ, Matēmatikas nodaļai 1933. g. 14. augustā. Stud. math. Emanuels Grünbergs, Matr. 14875. Motto "Patientia vincet." Disertācijā 143 lpp. Publicējam bez pilnā ... -
Dažas transformācijas elementārā ģeometrijā
(1935-04-25)Referāts nolasīts matēmatisko zinātņu darbinieku kongresā, 25. aprīlī 1935. gadā. Izdots Rīgā, 1936. Izdevusi Matēmatisko zinātņu darbinieku biedrība. Autors Cand. math. E. Grünbergs -
Par n dimensiju Eiklīda telpas līknēm
(1936-10) -
Über die Bestimmung von zwei speziellen Klassen von Eilinien
(Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1937) -
Analītiskā ģeometrija
(Latvijas Valsts Universitāte, 1941)Analītiskā ģeometrija. Lekciju konspekts, Lasīts fizikas un matemātikas fakultātes studentiem 1940./41. g. -
Par oskulāciju, superoskulāciju un charakteristiskiem punktiem
(1943-04)No Dr. A.Lūša raksturojuma E.Grinberga zinātniskajam darbam: Doktora disertacija, ko E.Grīnbergs sācis strādāt 1940/41 m.g. Latvija Valsts Universitātē un aizstāvējis Rīgas Universitātē 1944.g. /oponenti prof.Dr.A.Lūsis, ... -
On osculation, superosculation and characteristic points
(1943-04)Translated into English by D. Zeps Original text: Par oskulāciju, superoskulāciju un charakteristiskiem punktiem, Facsimile of the manuscript of dissertation: https://dspace ... -
(ЛАТВИЙСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ, УЧЕНЫЕ ЗАПИСКИ, ТОМ XX, ВЫПУСК 3. 1958 ГОДА, 1958)This is the first article of Emanuels Grinbergs devoted to subjects in differential geometry and algebraic curves that he was dealing with before WW2, e.g., in his doctoral thesis "Osculation, superosculation and characteristic ... -
On the reducibility of function classes
(Latvia State University, 1972)N – the set of all natural numbers, F – the set of all total functions N→N, A, B<=F. We say that A is m-reducible to B (A<=m B), iff there is a recursive operator M such that f in A, iff M(f) in B for all f in F. Similarly, ... -
Comparing various concepts of function prediction. Part 1.
(Latvia State University, 1974)Prediction: f(m+1) is guessed from given f(0), ..., f(m). Program synthesis: a program computing f is guessed from given f(0), ..., f(m). The hypotheses are required to be correct for all sufficiently large m, or with some ... -
On computation in the limit by non-deterministic Turing machines
(Latvia State University, 1974) -
On speeding up synthesis and prediction of functions
(Latvia State University, 1974) -
On computation in the limit by non-deterministic Turing machines
(Scientific Proceedings of Latvia State University, 1974) -
Comparing various types of limiting synthesis and prediction of functions
(Latvia State University, 1974) -
Comparing various concepts of function prediction. Part 2.
(Latvia State University, 1975)Prediction: f(m+1) is guessed from given f(0), ..., f(m). Program synthesis: a program computing f is guessed from given f(0), ..., f(m). The hypotheses are required to be correct for all sufficiently large m, or with some ... -
The double-incompleteness theorem
(Latvia State University, 1975)Let T be a theory, Q - a metatheory of T. Under certain conditions there exist T-undecidable sentences for which this undecidability cannot be proved in Q. For English translation and proof, see K. Podnieks What is ...