Browsing Projekti (ESZF) / Projects by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 46
The Impact of Population Ageing and Social Stratification: The Case of Latvia
(2019)Population ageing and social stratification is widely assumed to have detrimental effects on the economy yet there is little empirical evidence about the magnitude of its effects. The aim of this article is to investigate ... -
Income Differences in Regions of Latvia – Problems and Challenges
(2019)Income differences in regions of Latvia is becoming a greater problem for families as there are made decisions for emigration, for municipalities as there are significant reductions in tax (income and property) payers and ... -
Wage Gap as a Possible Determinant of Gender Inequality
(2019)Recent academic researchers have indicated that there are possible inequalities concerning work and pay in different countries, professions and economic sectors. The aim of current research is to analyse recent scientific ... -
Engaging Citizens in the Decision-Making Process
(Klaipeda University, 2019)The rapid development of internet and technologies in the 21th century is providing an opportunity for the development of digital democracy – citizen engagement in the decision-making process in an easier, faster and more ... -
Promoting Emotional Intelligence in Vocational Education as a Method to Achieve Employability of Graduates
(Klaipeda University, 2019)Emotional intelligence can play an important role in an individual’s education and career success. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the opinion of employers on the importance of competencies related to emotional ... -
Voluntary Private Investments Role in Pension System in Latvia
(Klaipeda University, 2019)Pension systems have become one of the main priorities for the national governments. Developed countries population is getting older by putting the pressure on the state budgets and work age people tax load. The current ... -
Economic Activity in Context of Regions, Education Level, Age Group and Gender: Case of Latvia
(University of Latvia, 2019)In the National Development Plan of Latvia 2014–2020 it is written that society is aware that social, regional and opportunity inequalities can be reduced by a high overall employment rate in which everyone seeks for ... -
Material Deprivation: a Case of Latvia
(Klaipeda University, 2019)Material deprivation has recently gained prominence as a topic of debate as its proliferation is raising throughout Europe in particular in the countries hit hardest by financial and economic turbulences what leads to the ... -
Sales Channels and Media Digitalization Impact on People Voluntary Savings for Retirement
(2019)Due to the implementation of new technologies and orientation on digital solutions the communication and sales channels have changed dramatically. Information and client service on-line availability presents strong advantages ... -
Overall Life Satisfaction In Latvia
(2019)The concept of life satisfaction has always been important part of providing well-being of population. Life satisfaction of inhabitants of the country is becoming a greater challenge for country to solve as it affects both ... -
Role of Education and Training on Income in Different Regions of Latvia
(2019)Latvia is often critisised by international institutions on rising gap for income differences in several social groups. This current research is devoted to analyse of role of education and training on income level. Research ... -
Determination Aspects of Possible Purchasing Prices for Blue Mussel Products from the Baltic Sea
(Journal of Economics and Management Research, 2019)Demand for marine products has been relatively high and is increasing in most of countries. With higher demand for higher-value and protein-rich products population is looking for other sources that could be protein-rich ... -
Analysis of affordability of meat, chicken, fish or vegetarian equivalent every second day in households in Latvia
(2019-05)In recent years, there are growing research and policy discussions on assessment and analysis of poverty and measurement of material conditions. Researchers and policy makers develop different set of indicators that ... -
Factors that motivate Latvian consumers to purchase products and services from social enterprises in Latvia: the case of socially responsible consumption
(2019-10-31)The purpose of the study is to -determine the relative importance of various factors that motivate Latvian consumers to purchase products and services from social enterprises in order to provide practical suggestions and ... -
2020. gada decembra socioloģiskās aptaujas tehniskā informācija
(RECOVERY-LV, 2020)Aptauja ir veikta projekta "Ekonomiskais, politiskais un juridiskais ietvars Latvijas tautsaimniecības potenciāla saglabāšanai un konkurētspējas pieauguma veicināšanai pēc pandēmijas izraisītas krīzes (reCOVery-LV)" ... -
2020. gada novembra socioloģiskās aptaujas tehniskā informācija
(RECOVERY-LV, 2020)Aptauja ir veikta projekta "Ekonomiskais, politiskais un juridiskais ietvars Latvijas tautsaimniecības potenciāla saglabāšanai un konkurētspējas pieauguma veicināšanai pēc pandēmijas izraisītas krīzes (reCOVery-LV)" ... -
Uzņēmumu aptauja 2020
(RECOVERY-LV, 2020)Aptauja ir veikta projekta "Ekonomiskais, politiskais un juridiskais ietvars Latvijas tautsaimniecības potenciāla saglabāšanai un konkurētspējas pieauguma veicināšanai pēc pandēmijas izraisītas krīzes (reCOVery-LV)" ... -
Aptauja par attālināto darbu
(RECOVERY-LV, 2020)Aptauja ir veikta projekta "Ekonomiskais, politiskais un juridiskais ietvars Latvijas tautsaimniecības potenciāla saglabāšanai un konkurētspējas pieauguma veicināšanai pēc pandēmijas izraisītas krīzes (reCOVery-LV)" ... -
Digitalisation in Regions of Latvia – Problems and Challenges
(University of Latvia, 2020)Digital skills are defined as a basic competence, the same level as reading or writing and it is important for country to provide successful digitalisation in regions as regional development is the basis for national ... -
Development of Household Income Towards Modern Welfare Economics in Latvia
(2020)Latvia in international comparisons is among the countries with rather low average income for households but rather high differences in income in households, especially in highest income households (richest quintile) ...