Heritage-making: Written Texts in the Transmission of Traditional Knowledge of Natural Dyeing
Natural dyeing is an element of intangible cultural heritage which is gaining
new relevance today. Heritage-making as a set of purposeful activities has
become an object of interest for researchers relatively recently, and this
study is reflective of that. The paper aims to focus on natural dyeing as a
component of cultural heritage, its documentation process, and how written
texts have influenced the living tradition of natural dyeing. One of the sources
for the study was ethnographic material, which provides insight into the little
researched tradition of natural dyeing. To understand how the tradition was
described and explained, Latvian press publications on natural dyeing were
evaluated by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods. In
order to study the situation today, a survey was conducted in 2016 and 2017
among dyeing workshop participants in different parts of Latvia. The results
of the study indicate that the use of written sources plays an important role
in practicing natural dyeing. With various activities organized by professional
and amateur ethnographers, artists, handicraft teachers, etc., as well as its
coverage in the press, natural dyeing has preserved its relevance. Written texts
have documented the activities in the field of natural dyeing and encouraged
further development of the tradition. Moreover, various sources have been
used to preserve and develop dyeing skills, through both direct observation/
oral tradition and written/visual materials. In addition, one’s personal
experience as a significant part of the construction of identity was relevant in
the past and still is today
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