Browsing Raksti (EZTF) / Articles by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 104
Aramaiskie pētījumi: Gramatiskā sieta nobīde un Tenisona brīvība
(2023-12-11)Aplūkota ideja aplūkot semītu valodā gramatisku nobīdi analoģijā ar Modra Tenisona ornamentu ģenēzes teoriju, ar tajā ieviesto jēdzienu sieta nobīde. Skatījums veikts ChatGPT pielietojuma kontekstā, analizējot biblisko ... -
Automated Testing of iOS Apps: tTap Extension for Apple UIAutomation
(2015)Mobile apps tend to extend or even substitute the existing IT solutions. In the corporate world, according to the statistics, the preference is given to iOS devices. The complexity of the apps increases together with the ... -
Biophotonics in veterinary medicine: the first steps toward clinical translation
(SPIE, 2019-02-20)In this paper, we analyzed the current situation and the potential of biophotonics and biomedical optics in veterinary medicine. Promising optical techniques such as optical coherence tomography, pulse oximeter, and ... -
Catalyst-free vapour–solid technique for deposition of Bi2Te3 and Bi2Se3 nanowires/ nanobelts with topological insulator properties
(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015) -
Challenges in automated estimation of capillary refill time in dogs
(SPIE, 2018-02-20)Capillary refill time (CRT) is a part of the cardiorespiratory examination in dogs. Changes in CRT can reflect pathological conditions like shock or anemia. Visual CRT estimation has low repeatability; therefore, optical ... -
A choice of bilevel linear programming solving parameters: factoraggregation approach
(EUSFLAT-13, Atlantis Press, 2013) -
Clinical evaluation of automated capillary refill time estimation in dogs and cats
(SPIE, 2019-02-26)In this study, we clinically evaluated a pulse oximeter-based device for automated capillary refill time (CRT) estimation in dogs and cats. CRT can reveal conditions like shock or anemia in dogs and cats. However, visual ... -
Color constancy in dermatoscopy with smartphone
(SPIE, 2017-12-07)The recent spread of cheap dermatoscopes for smartphones can empower patients to acquire images of skin lesions on their own and send them to dermatologists. Since images are acquired by different smartphone cameras under ... -
Computer Programming Aptitude Test as a Tool for Reducing Student Attrition
(2015-03-20)The stable trend to lose from one-third to half of students in the first study year of computing studies motivated us to explore, which methods are used to determine in advance such applicants, who have no change to overcome ... -
Coupling of the X 1Σ± and a 3Σ± states of KRb
(American Physical Society, 2007) -
Cyclic moisture sorption and its effects on the thermomechanical properties of epoxy and epoxy/MWCNT nanocomposite
(MDPI, 2019-08-23)The aim of this work was to reveal the moisture absorption–desorption–resorption characteristics of epoxy and epoxy-based nanocomposites filled with different multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by investigating the ... -
Einšteina relativitātes teorija līdz E=mc2. Matemātiķa piedzīvojumi.
(2013-08-23)2.izdevums. Jaunu, uzlabotu un papildinātu 3.izdevumu sk. adresē ... nu varu piedāvāt jau daudz vairāk: gan vēl tālāk būtiski pilnveidotu Lorenca transformāciju matemātisko ... -
Einšteina relativitātes teorija līdz E=mc2. Matemātiķa piedzīvojumi. 3.izdevums.
(2015-03-11)Viegli lasāms relativitātes teorijas formulu matemātisks izvedums līdz pat formulai E=mc2. Trešā izdevuma jaunums: formulu izvedums 3-dimensiju un n-dimensiju telpai. -
Einšteina relativitātes teorija. Matemātiķa piedzīvojumi.
(2013-07-12)1.izdevums. Jaunu, uzlabotu un papildinātu 3.izdevumu sk. adresē Viegli lasāms relativitātes teorijas formulu matemātisks izvedums. -
Electric current induced modification of germanium nanowire NEM switch contact
(IOP Publishing, 2015)